Exterior Painting Services with Useful Facts!!! - xyzgroup.ca

Fri, Apr 17, 2020

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Exterior Painting Services with Useful Facts!!! - xyzgroup.ca

When it comes to painting the exterior of the home, there are a lot of things that need to be considered to make the paint long-lasting on the walls. There are four types of paints available to choose from.  The name of paint types is matte, semi-gloss, gloss and satin. As you know it is the exterior paint that has to bear the harsh weather and environment therefore, it is important to choose the best paint color.

If you are one of those people who is looking for useful ideas and facts for exterior painting as your next project is your home exterior painting then this is the right place for you. You can also search for exterior painting contractors near me to find out the best contractors who provide you the satisfying services. 

** 1. Don’t Forget to Consider Mother Nature **

First of all, before you decide the right kind of paint to paint the exterior walls of your home, it is important to consider Mother Nature. Plan in a good manner before just starting the painting job. It is recommended you select the days that are dry for painting and avoid exterior painting in the rainy season when there is a high humidity level in the environment. 

**2. Surface Preparation is the Key to a Smoother Finish **

To get a smooth finish and to keep the paint last longer, it is a great idea to prepare the surface before applying paint on it. Skipping the cleaning and just start painting over the walls will make you regret later. Unprepared surfaces are one of the biggest reasons behind the paint coating failure. Cleaning the walls, removing all the dirt from the walls, preparing these in a good manner and applying primer to get smoother finish is very important. Vancouver painting contractors always prepare exterior surfaces before painting the walls. 

**3. Paint From Top to Bottom **

Painting from top to bottom is a good idea rather than painting from bottom to top to get smoother paint finish. As you are working with gravity rather than anti, therefore, you will get great results and the paint will have a smooth finish without any streaks.

**4. Use Primer **

The thumb rule to get great painting results is by applying primer before applying paint. Though there are some exterior paints available that are self-priming. A painter can apply this paint without priming the walls and just after cleaning the walls by removing the dirt from these. While most of the other paints need to prime the walls at first before applying the paint to get smoother paint finish.

**5. Properly Close Lid of Paints **

As you know a home painting is not a one day task and you need to take rest in between doing the painting job but when you go on rest, don’t forget to seal the paint colors else you might not be able to use these again. 

These are the useful facts that will help you in painting the exterior walls of your home. Following these tips, the paint will stay last longer.